美国洁成教育集团成立于2000年,距今已有16年历史。是以推动美洲地区对华经济、文化、科技、教育和经贸交流、加强人民之间的了解和信任、促进彼此之间友好关系为宗旨的民间机构。 美国洁成教育集团经过10多年的努力,秉持着平等互惠的原则,广交天下友、共结两国情,立足于北美地区,面向中国市场开展了大量的交流活动,双向传播着友好、理解、合作的信息,广泛与美中两地的有关人士建立了密切的友好关系,为推动美国与中国的友好交往进行了不懈的努力并取得了相应的成效。 我们拥有众多的美国高中、美国大学一手资源,与多家国内学校及教育机构紧密合作。始终坚持一对一服务,明确了解学生家长的需求, 做到全方位服务。

JC International Academy is currently listed on the California Attorney General's Registry of International Student Exchange Visitor Placement Organizations (ISEVPO). For more information, refer to the page.

JC International Academy is an independent educational consulting practice that guides students and families through all stages of the college application process in person or through online meetings. We are experienced educators with an extensive background in selective college admission, counseling, teaching, and academic and non-profit leadership. We understand how important this decision is to you and your family. You deserve to work with a counselor who has first-hand admission experience, expert knowledge of the world of higher education and schooling, and a thoughtful, balanced counseling philosophy to guide you through this remarkable rite of passage.

Our homestay program enables high school-aged students from around the world the opportunity to live with their host parents and host siblings here in the United States and learn firsthand about the American way of life. The exchange students live as a member of your family, attending the local high school for one academic school year or one semester. This process is often referred to as a cultural exchange.

JC International Academy successfully co-hosted China-U.S. Principals Forum in Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong of China in 2013. The theme of the forum is "The Elementary Education Self-education The Cultivation of Innovative Talents". The principals from more than 40 high (middle) schools around China attended the forum. Dr. Benjamin Allen, Senator of California (D – Santa Monica) and Professor in UCLA School of Law, Dr. John Joseph Duda, PhD in education from Havard and UCLA, Mr. Raymond Anthony Arcurio, director of Johnstown Unified School District in Pennsylvania, Ms Jie Zeng, CEO of JC International Academy, and Mr. Michael John Vuckovich , Principal of Johnstown High School gave important presentations, respectively.

JC International Academy has allowed numerous Chinese students to come perform in the areas of dance and music at American schools.
It has also organized summer camps bringing American students to China where they were able to experience Chinese culture.

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